You can reach airport hill staff through a number of ways. you choose which is more convenient for you. Our website has a section for you to send us a message. it will reach directly to our email and we shall get back to you shortly. The message section is found on the contact use page. you can also subscribe to the news letter to get updates.
You can call us on our phone numbers that are on and accessible 24/7. The phone numbers are provided at the bottom of our website on each page. You can also visit us directly at out location. We are located in Kigali near the airport at this address, KK 56 St, Kigali, Rwanda.Thank you for checking out our site! Please contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
Phone number
+250 792 052 320
+250 423 408 545
Address: KK 56 St, Kigali, Rwanda